Monday, September 8, 2014
pengawas pelatih (PP)
hahahaha what a shame and awkward and funny day is today to me. auch, seriously rasa cem nak sorok muka, pakai topeng atomen je tadi kat sekolah. i used to be pengawas pelatih with 5 others for 2 month. teachers and le seniors will watch us. before we used to be real prefect, we need to be pengawas pelatih. so today is our first day, bertugas, official jadi pengawas pelatih. need to wear that nametag. tak semua kawan aku tahu aku jadi PP. so today, when I stand beside others REAL prefect yang tengah checking kawan kawan f3 before masuk class, all that walk in front of me be like,
"perghhhhh" , "biar betul?" , "hang jadi PP?" , "gile ahhh" , "wey, sejak bila?" *dengan muka terkejutnya, dengan gelak jahat deme nya*
and when i walk to anywhere,
"wey, kenapa hang jadi PP?" , "wey kenapa aku tak pernah tahu?" , "next year pakai baju kuning lah ni kan?" , "ni lah cara nak jadi PP terbaik" etc.
paling tension dengan one of my friend, 'nss' (not real name), mana aku pergi asal jumpa dia tak habis habis perli duhhhh maluuu. part paling tension, when my class have to combine with 'nss' class at agama time. when i step into the class, she shout to all in class "woi PP woi! senyap! senyap!"
only god know how shame i am that time. duhhh feel like dont want to go to sch tmrw and next, next day. luls. jkjk. idek how to face my next day. its okay, jeopardy, be prefect we need to be brave and cool in whatever situation we face. its okay. lama lama they'll be okay. chill chill. haha.
what a tired day, this week form 3 student have to stayback at sch till 4pm. there's a teknik menjawab soalan pt3. duh, my first day in class of teknik menjawab soalan be like, 15 minutes early fresh gila nak dengar semua apa yang cikgu ajar kat depan, 15 minutes before balik, aku baru bangun dari tidur. duh i sleep. seriously sleepy like hell. hahahaha. lol. duhhhh, i've waste my time. k thats all. kinda sleepy rn. goodnight. xoxo.