Thursday, September 25, 2014


hello hey. long time no write anything here. well, internet and password problem. lol. forget it. sorry i dont want to talk about crush or what. i just want to talk about soon. soon? whats going on with soon?duhh, too many things gonna come soon. since i was PT3's victim, PT3 is coming soon! 13/10 until 14/10. wtfish. really close nowadays. and i still be like, okay what? pt3? when? 13/10? what? lek ah. banyak masa lagi. duh. fml fml. shit. i need to stay away from all of these thing. only left a few days before pt3. aishh, feel like wanna cry. i dont even start any chapter to study. fml again. whats going on jeo! duhhh, pehal aku tak study ni? huwaa. everytime i saw my friend study at school, i be like "okay, balik nanti aku nak study". but when i'm at home, fck. what i did? play, play, play, play and keep playing. em. sometimes, i think, "what should i do rn?" "why dont i study rn?" "what should i study rn?" but at the end of my question on my mind.......... NAK TENGOK TV LAH!  mama and abah already 'haramkan' aku untuk pegang tab. okay nice. i only use tab, for calling my friend and something important. okay................ wake up JEO! wake up! hmmmmm... idk what topic should i study. idek. seriously idek :'( everytime i try to start reading, syaiton syaiton start whispering "dont read", "go play with your sister", "sleep zzzzzz" wtf man! and everything i read, nothing i could remember what i already read. NYANYUK! not nyamuk k? nyanyuk is penyakit orang orang tua that always forget something. omnomnomnom shiz. fml fml fml.

okay, next soon. guess what soon? guess? okay this is superb excited story ever! MY SCHOOL IS HAVING HARI USHAWAN MUDA a.k.a HARI KOKO. where's my school? eheh, SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh / RPS. wuuuuhoooooouu! this event yang paling student rps really nanti nantikan! diz gotta be superb fun and exciting and.......................... tired. haha. its okay i dont care. what i really want to do this day is, i want to really really really superb ENJOY with all my friends. i want to finish all my coupon. eheh. what what? haha. idc idc. okay. want to know whats really tired things happens to me? i'll be the cooker for our stall. btw, my stall sell SPAGHETTI. and i'm gonna be the one who should cook the kuah for that spaghetti. we cook bolognese and carbonara. so, come lah to our stall! jemput, dipersilakan. okay. many people gonna come. and..... guess whose gonna come? eheh. my crush insyaAllah. okay. forget it.

so this, sunday,28/9 is the day, while saturday, 27/9, i should be really really busy cooking with three of my friend. this gonna be superb fun, cause they gonna sleep at my house! wuuuu yeaahhhh. haha. so thats all, dont forget to come to our stall. search no 34. thats our stall. come and buy something. eheh. pray for our stall to win any of the competition prize. ouh, there's a competition for hari koko. auch, dont need to explain. forget it.

last, please and please. pray for my pt3. may Allah bless me and I could answer my pt3's paper peacefully and i could get nice result on my pt3. aminnn :) thats all bye ^^