Thursday, October 2, 2014

hari koko sch (( throwback ))

dude hello haha. k serious hari koko was a very tired day ever. huishh i cant breath. Hari Usahawan Muda, my class sell bologneise and carbonara spaghetti and mushroom soup + potato bun. at first, i thought selling spaghetti wouldnt laku. tak laris. nobody would buy it. but..... pukul 10 lebih kuah spaghetti semua dah habis! licin! fuhhh, seriously, terkejut gila pak ah. tapi... mi spaghetti banyak lagi. at first kami ingatkan nak biar je mi tu, tapi banyak lagi. so, my class teacher decide to cook back kuah spaghetti. sebab sayang, membazir je karang mi tu. upss forgot to tell, AKU YANG MASAK KUAH CARBONARA and BOLOGNEISE tu. cehhh promote. hahaha. pisyo. so, cikgu ajak aku balik pergi beli barang and blend bawang and potong potong bahan yang nak masuk dalam kuah spaghetti tu. huish yang part ni lah paling adventure plus tired gila. sebabkan rumah aku paling dekat dengan sekolah, so cikgu suruh blend bawang kat rumah aku ja. dari dekat sekolah berlari pergi kat kereta cikgu, sampai kedai groshop, berlari beli barang. pastu rushing pergi rumah aku. sampai rumah, NOBODY AT HOME. wtfish. k. disebabkan aku dah biasa bila kunci rumah takda, aku panjat tingkap atas, masuk rumah. potong potong apa bahan yang patut, blend apa bagai semua. 15 min. k settle. berlari masuk kereta pastu sampai sekolah, berlari pergi kat gerai masak balik kuahnya. masuk apa semua bahan settle. tengah tengah dah nak siap masak, tetiba i saw someone! ALONG! my brother come! haha sumpah excited gila sampai terlanggar kawan dia. unexpected gila. sanggup along datang dari utp tronoh datang sekolah aku. k sayang along to the star and back. haha. k after along balik, my friends and i plan to finished our haunted house and haunted cinema ticket. so we come to haunted house first. seriously, fcking bored. i sleep in that cinema. shit. after that, we back to our stall. after a few minute my phone vibrate. guess who?!! OMG! MY CRUSH! HE CAME! i die i die i die......... for a sec hahaha. he said he's at some place at my school. so i went there with my friend. from far, i saw him..... omg he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fcking handsome. huwarghhh, if i could hug him, i will hug him tightly that time. but no. i cant. haha. in my dreams je lah. lol. then i took him walk dekat gerai gerai semua. dia datang kejap ja. sebab kawan dia dah nak balik. aishhh. spoil ah. so i ask him to selfie and snap some photo with me. k........ HE'S JUST TOOOOOOOO CUTE till i can die. hahaha. no jkjk. thats all. bye.