Friday, April 15, 2016

Day 4: hands on challenge

so today, me and my 4 others friend were presented our hands on challenge building model to the judges. well actually, we are participating the hands on challenge competition in our school for the science and mathematics carnival. and actually, we all should present our model yesterday since yesterday is the competition day. but, since i and 2 others need to go to mckk so we ask a permission from the teachers to skip the day and do it by today. so today is the day. butttt one of our group member is absent today. i was like a bit feel sakit hati gak ah. but what can we do? let bygone be bygone, we take an initiative to take one of our classmate to join us and replace our absent group member. this is the brilliant idea ever because she is brilliant. lol.

about 4:15 pm, after the solar competition done. its our turn to present our model. the presentation had going well. everything is fine with us. but.................................. DAMN IT! our problem statement of why we build the model was inaccurate! the situation given in our question paper is actually about how to build a stable building. but we build an eco friendly building! aiyooo for sure lah our building takde kena mengena langsung. ya Allah ya tuhanku. haih. tahlahnak. so the judges said, "tengok lah dulu cemana nanti saya bincang dengan cikgu lain" hmmmmmmmmmmmm k. kami hanya mampu berdoa. may we win. sebab we all want to go to GGSC!

amx xoxo
14 April 2016