Yesterday was very shit day that I ever had in my life. And I'm the shit that doing that shit thing and make my day become shit. Wtf mannnnnnn! I broke my friend's heart. Whose my friend? Her. Yea her. Girl that I always talk about. My bff. Idk whether she also thought I'm her bff. I dont know. Fml shit wtf wth had I do to her!!!! Seriously this is my very big mistake that I ever did in my life to her! Rude me rude!
I ruin her great day. Yesterday was supposed to be her date with her boyfriend. But I'm ruin their day! I bothered them. Then they didnt went for date. All happen because of me! See? I'm really shit! Wtf wtf wtf. She supposed to be happy on that day, but because of my mistake, they didnt went for date. And she didnt even happy. All because of me! Loser loser loser!
And until now....... we dont even talk to each other. She already hate me maybe...... and how I wish she wouldnt do that. I need her to be some part of my life. I want her forever be my bff. I dont understand my feeling tbh. I dont want to lose u, my friend. How I wish u could understand me. Sorry for all my wrongdoing babe. Em night.