Friday, October 3, 2014
get life bij
So hey. Dude. K seriously and to be honest, I hate you, friends. Eventhough I always smile and act like everything is okay and fine, deep inside my heart I feel like I want to kill you. Cut you into eighteen can I? Shit. U're just a piece of shit bij. Seriously, u're perampas. Em. Yes. I'm jealous. Freaking jealous. U're just newbie in my bff life, then u steal her from me. Dont u feel what I feel? No I'm not lesbo shit -,- But... u know what? She's the one who came into my life and can make my day cheer and can make me like umph... I dont know how to explain. She's just too nice and I really love to friends with her. She's my bff. Not yours shit! Not yours!! Yes, I know everyone can friend with her because she has her own hak kannnn? If you want to be friend with her, just friend lah. Takpayah nak over sangat. Beria nak letak kat bio kau nama dia ah apalah. Wey, kau takda orang lain ke? You think you're good enough? Get life bij get life. Aku dah lama sabar je dengan kau. Kau perli aku, kutuk aku depan depan, pikir aku takda perasaan? Do you think I'm typical people with sado's heart? Bij, I'm a girl with heart and feeling. Kau fikir kau sorang je ada perasaan? Dude, susahlah kalau aku je nak kena cakap berlapik depan kau, nak kena jaga hati kau, nak kena respect kau. Kau fikir lawak ke sentap sentap tu? Pikir comel ke kalau kau buat gitu? DASAR ATTENTION SEEKERS! I fck you for the whole of my life bij! Change urself please. Jangan jadi perampas bff orang. Apa manusia lain dah pupus ke nak buat bff? Last, fck u bij fck u.