Tuesday, October 28, 2014

for a while

Hey there. Guess what? I've talk (wechat) to him just now! Haha yey! Eventhough just for a while, but I'm really really happy. Yeah, I miss him. Deeply miss him. This lately, I always dream about him. I also dont understand why. Auch. Haha so sweet. Puihhh ignore me haha. Lepas rindu sikit even kejap je sembang. Em. Rindu angat. Em.

Eh wait, I never told u where he'll be going right? Hahahahaha. Pardon me. He is SPM's victim. Form 5. Heheh. Yea, worried bout him. Always worried bout him. How lah he study.... How I wish he could at least pass in his exam. This is his future. Its okay if we did not wc for a month. I'm okay. I want him to be okay. 

Ya allah, please ease him on whatever he did please. Bless him ya Allah.