Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Haha teruk siot

Tayah kasitahu lah A berapa banyak

Kalau ada E tak bagus jugak

Cukup lah tahu

Ada A ada B ada E

Berapa banyak tu tak penting

Nampak tak betapa bodohnya aku?

Hm takpalah nanti SPM aku azam nak buat elok elok

Nak struggle start form 4 tahun depan

Nak buktikan kat mama abah aku pun boleh

Dalam family

Aku sorang je paling bodoh sikit

Em banyak jugak sebenarnya bodoh tu

Alah tayah ah doa aku bodoh sangat

Dalam family

Start from along, angah, uda, sampai kakak

Semua masuk SBP

Semua result tiptop

Semua pandai sc mt

Tak macam aku...

Next year mungkin bukan rezeki aku dapat masuk SBP/MRSM

Result cem harem memang tak ah

Stay je lah sekolah harian rps tu


Tahun depan dapat class pure science

Kena banyak belajar

Azam dah

Nak belajar betul betul

Nak berjaya masa depan

Doakan yang terbaik buat diri aku

Moga Allah permudahkan segalanya

Aamiin :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014


Bae pergi plkn

what a sadlife of me.

Dah 4 hari

without him.


Saya rindu awak


Saturday, November 22, 2014



Date with him




u always make me smile when I see ur face
eventhough u didnt do anything

U dont need to do anything for me
its enough for me 
if u just turn ur face to me
and look at me

I dont know why
when u stared at me,
my heartbeat becomes fast
And when our skin touch together
((not holding hand))
I feel something

haha its funny

But when things like this happen,
I'll fall in love with u for a thousand times

luls btw, thanks for today
thanks for make me happy when I'm with u
thanks for make me crazy everytimes I'm thinking bout u
thanks for not being like others man that bored me a lot
thanks for wasting ur time with me
thanks for always smile 4 me
thanks for all

I love u so much and please,

love me back?

Friday, November 21, 2014

school end!







Okay, cuti sekolah dah start
lets enjoy it

with blessful.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Tadi check markah kertas exam PT3....

like I guess,
sc and math the killer,
and I dead

deadly unbreathable,
cannot breath,

Memang cerita, alkisah dia,
sbp/mrsm tak terima dah.

Takpe ah dah redha,
memang taknak masuk asrama penuh,
nak belajar kat rumah

Tahun depan subject semua dah mula susah af,
chemist, fizik, addmath bagai,
(kalau dapat ah aliran tu)

Haish, teruk result, teruk
tak kasitahu mama abah
biar lah dulu
tunggu je lah 22 dec 14
Tarikh utk real result.

How I wish the grade would be nice to me.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

ya Allah
















why u gotta be so rude?

Dah besar,
kena pandai fikir,
mana satu baik,
mana satu buruk.

Dah boleh fikir,
kenapa takboleh buat macamtu,
kenapa kena buat macamni.

Dah tahu,
siapa yang lebih layak dihormati,
siapa yang layak dipijak.

Sedarlah wahai diri sendiri,
kalau mati tetiba,
tak sempat minta maaf,
padah diri kau nanti.


Thursday, November 13, 2014

huh ?

Maseh ah nasihat.

Dari dulu sampai sekarang, aku tak pernah suka kalau kau nasihat aku. Fed up. Mende sama ja kau nak sentuh. Jaga percakapan, jaga hati orang, jaga perkataan. Mampoz kat kau lah kau tak suka aku, berambus sana. Kau yang sentap lelebih pehal? Aku tak kacau hidup kau. Diam diam dah ah. Sesikit nak kasi essay nasihat aku bagai. Get life lah. Faham tak, aku tak suka? Kalau salah aku, semua kau nampak. Salah orang lain? Kemon ah. Sayang pejadah kau? Aku tengok dak dak lain, geng lain, sembang lancau mana pon, lek je. Aku carut apa pon, aku tak betul betul maksudkan pada orang yang aku carut tu. Aku gurau je. Ya, bagi kau, gurau aku macam sampah. Suka sangat sakitkan hati orang. 

Dari dulu sampai sekarang, aku cuba untuk suka kau jadi kawan baik aku. Tapi setiap kali aku cuba, kau tak habis habis dengan nasihat kau yang bajet bagus tu. Kau fikir muka kau baik, pandai, perfect semua benda ada, orang kena respect kau? Kemon ah. Jenis otak dah set, nak bercakap kena respect perasaan orang, nak kena jaga hati orang, berbudi bahasa, jangan carut carut. Blah ah weh. Sukahati aku lah nak buat apa. Kau tak suka, blah.

Kau cakap aku bajet bagus? Nak hina orang lain. Lol. Len kali tegur depan depan bila aku tengah hina orang. Kau pun sama ja. Takpayah nak point kat aku je. Kau cakap aku perlakukan kawan macam kuli? Pala hang. Kau tak fikir kau pun sama? Kau tak fikir semua tu? Kau anggap diri kau tu hebat, sampai semua kena hormat kau? Ingat aku taktahu ke bila aku dengan dak lain, semua sembang takut dengan kau. Gi mampoz.

 Dak kelas atas, dak pandai, anak manja, dak kaya, dak behave, dak baik, dak dak stock kawan dengan dak dak atas je, tak usha dak dak hina ni. Duh, aku naik menyampah dengan perangai kau. Tolonglah faham, tolong jangan bajet bagus sangat nak nasihat aku. Think back, kau pun sama. Cermin sket diri kau tu.


Takpayah nasihat aku,

Benda sama!!!

dia, diri sendiri

Dia macam lawak sikit
tapi segan banyak nak mampoz
bila crush
baca SEMUA post
dekat blog ni.

Dia macam terharu sikit,
bila crush punya perasaan sama
seperti diri sendiri.

Dia macam bengang sikit,
bila ditegur mengenai bahasa,
perkataan yang digunakan
especially, bab mencarut.

Dia macam lawak sikit,
bila crush still nak kawan dengan dia,
bila tahu perangai sebenar dia,
yang kuat mencarut.

Dia macam sayang sangat,
sebab crush dia sayang dia jugak.

Dia, aku lah.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Weh mangkuk,

Mohon jangan omey ngat.

Ya amponnnnn,

Tergugat iman



jangan sibuk

Tumpang tanya sikit,

Blog ni siapa punya?

Aku kan? 

Kisah siapa dalam blog ni?

Aku kan?

Siapa yang create cerita semua dalam blog ni?

Aku kan?


Sukahati aku lah nak update apa,
nak carut apa,
nak kisah pasal apa,
nak buat apa apa kat blog ni,

Tak payah sibuk nak nasihat apa apa kat aku,
aku tak suka,
kau baca, 
senyap senyap dah lah.

Aku tak kacau kau,
kau takpayah kacau hidup aku.

Main jauhjauh,
Jangan sibuk nak komen lahanat sini.


Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Hm assalamualaikum. Lets istighfar for first.


Baru rasa insaf dan tersedar sikit. In our life, bila hadapi sesuatu dugaan tu, kau kena sabar dan redha dalam setiap apa yang terjadi. Kau kenal Allah? Tuhan kita. Allah itu ada. Sentiasa ada. Salah satu sifat Allah adalah, ADA (wujud) Allah tak pernah tidur. Dan Allah tahu segala apa yabg ada di langit dan bumi. Allah lebih mengetahui dari apa yang kita ketahui. Perasaan kita, apa yang kita bualkan dalam hati, semua Allah tahu. Sebab tu lah, dalam melakukan sesuatu itu, kita kena ada niat. Niat kerana Allah, niat kerana kebaikan. Sebab tu lah kadang kadang bila kita nak buat sesuatu kejahatan, tak semestinya kejahatan itu dengan mudahnya akan boleh terjadi. Kalau sekarang kita tak dapat balasan Allah, dekat akhirat nanti akan menunggu. Jadi, niat itu penting dalam setiap sesuatu yang kita lakukan. Jika niat salah, maka terpesong lah akidah kita. Kita kena pandai kawal hati dan perasaan ni. 

Dugaan? Pernah dengar tak ada hadis tu tapi aku lupa ayat sebenar dia macammana, tapi bunyi dia cani tidak semestinya apa yang kita hajati dan hendakkan itu dengan semudahnya kita dapat, dan tidak mustahil apa yang kita hindari dan tidak mahukannya kita tidak akan dapat. Faham tak maksud ayat aku ni? Try to understand it okay? 

Allah tahu isi hati setiap manusia. Setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Kalau kau pernah lakukan satu kejahatan dan tertangkap, kau kena ambil iktibar dari apa kejahatan yang kau pernah lakukan. Kau tak boleh terus menerus lakukan kejahatan tu. Kau tak boleh sewenang wenangnya salah kan orang sekeliling kau, kau tak boleh salahkan takdir. Sebab setiap apa yang berlaku akan ada hikmahnya. Allah Maha Mengetahui. Dia tahu apa yang terbaik untuk hamba hambanya. Sekali dah buat jahat, jangan pernah cuba untuk ulanginya. Walaupun kau terpaksa, kau kena cuba untuk elakkan diri kau dari terjebak jugak. Okay? 

Macam contoh apa yang jadi kat aku harini. Aku cuba fikir balik, betul ke apa aku buat ni? Mencarut, sumpah seranah bagaj ni? Apa yang aku dapat bila aku keluarkan perkataan perkataan kesat ni? Kenapa aku perlu marah? Semua ini terjadi disebabkan salah sendiri. Tak perlu rasanya untuk aku sumpah seranah cikgu ke sesiapa ke. Sebab semuanya salah aku sendiri. Nampak tak salah satu kuasa Allah tu? Aku buat jahat, aku tanggung lah balik apa yang aku buat. Allah dah kasi balasan free free kat dunia ni. Cuba kalau kat akhirat nanti Allah balas. Tak ke lagi susah? Fikir balik. Fikir. Setiap manusia dikurniakan otak, untuk apa? Untuk berfikir ke arah kebaikan rakan rakan.


Cuba jangan,

Jangan pernah,

Salahkan takdir.

Kurangkan bercakap,


Kalau kau salahkan takdir, kau tak redha dengan apa yang terjadi, sama jugaklah macam kau marah dengan apa yang Allah tentukan untuk kau. Pilih jalan terbaik untuk hidup kau. Jangan tahu merungut. Berdosa. Kita sebagai hamba. Hamba Allah swt. Dah nama pun hamba, akur je lah semua perintahNya. Okay? Kuat. Ingat, doa itu penting, Allah itu ada. Wassalam.

selalu takda luck

What a bad day is today! Two bad things happened to me. This is fuck! Seriously I cant stand with this. All things happen like fck! Fck! Fck!

Ya Allah...............
Still remember about pengawas pelatih? Yea, today is the result. I didnt get it. I couldnt be prefect, next year. Shit. Seriously, sentap. Speechless. Idk what to say. Why? Why? Why? And why?

Actually today I should go to Kolej Vokasional Lebuh Cator. But.... fck things happen to me! Semua macam fck! Eh babi babi babi. I forgot to bring the surat kebenaran ibu bapa. And I decided to photostate the form. But, cikgu dapat kesan. They said we (me, and another 2 friends) lied to teacher. The hell they thinj about?! Is it really wrong? Its just surat kebenaran! Beria semuanya. I fcking hate this school! Fck this school until I die! Last last tak dapat pergi, nama masuk SSDM. Bodoh. Semua bodoh. Aku pun bodoh. Semua!!!!!!


Monday, November 10, 2014

bangang abadi

Paling bodoh

Paling bangang

Paling musyibat

Paling lancau 

Paling langsi

Paling hanjeng

Paling lahanat

Paling babi

Paling bahalol


Hurting ur crush heart is the most fucking motherfcker things u ever done. Damn. U're so fcking asshole bitch 

In this world.

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Apa perasaan paling aku menyampah dalam dunia?

Rasa bersalah.

Bila cakap, kena berpada

Jangan main lepas je


Terlajak perahu boleh diundur,
Terlajak kata, padan muka kau


Jangan jadi bodoh
ikut sedap mulut je

Kadang tak semua benda lawak
tak semua benda boleh diguraukan

Ingat, setiap manusia ada hati dan perasaan



u're somebody to me

Dear somebody there,
lemme tell u something,

Baby u light up my days with ur joke,
with ur idiot answer,
with ur ways

And everytime u call me with special words,
I feel like just fall in love with u,
u know how to calm me,
and know what I really hate.

There's many girls outside there that really adore u,
but u reject them
Because of me.

That's really makes me feel like being in love,
with somebody that I love.

we'll just be like friends,
that treats each other like wife and husband,

How I wish, 
u could really be mine


Dear bitch out there,
stop wasting ur time,
nak ngorat laki aku!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

pandai semua

ya Allah stress nya aku haishhhh. ni yang susah bila perasaan sayang kat kawan banyak ni. haishhhh. nak mohon mrsm, dah mohon dah, dah hantar online pun borang, tuptup kawan ajak masuk mrsm lain. aku cam.... fak. kenapa tak cakap awal awal? aku dah hantar baru kau nak sembang dengan aku. ey cb. sekarang aku dah ragu ragu gila dah ni.

i need to stand with this prinsip, ' mohon je, pergi je ujian tu, kat mana pun kau mintak, tak kisah. kalau dapat, alhamdulillah. kalau tak dapat, nauzubillah. haha tak, takpelah, takde rezeki. redho dan tawakkal je pada Allah. Allah know the best things for us. kita cuma boleh merancang, Allah yang tentukan. but in the same time, we need to berusaha dan berdoa. kawan? lain cerita. semua tempat kawan ada, kena pandai cari je, kena pandai bergaul ja. dan yang paling penting PANDAI SEMUA'

hmm mama abah cem malas nak layan aku nak masuk asrama. aku nak masuk sbp/mrsm. aku nak jadi cem abang abang kakak aku. diorang semua masuk sbp. aku? hmm. aku nak jugak. aku nak banggakan parents aku gak. em. ya, tak semestinya masuk sekolah bagus, kau pun terus jadi bagus. yang penting, niat dan hati kita sendiri. nak ke mana? nak masa hadapan cemana? belajar mana mana pun boleh. asalkan kita memang nak belajar. em.

' ya Allah, kau tahu yang terbaik untuk aku. jikalau apa yang aku minta ini tidak dikabulkan, aku redha. sesungguhnya kau tahu yang terbaik untuk aku. permudahkan segalanya bagi aku ya Allah'


Kawan? Huh banyak jenis. Dalam banyak jenis kawan, kenapa jenis ni lekat kat kawan aku jugak hah? Fml. Kawan yang jenis kuat kongkong apa yang aku buat, selalu suruh aku behave, jaga percakapan bagai. Eh shit lah, aku punya hidup aku punya sukalah. Kubur lain lain. Kau bukan mak bapak aku nak kena arah, halang apa yang aku buat. Nak suruh aku jadi baik tu ada hadnya. Cakap tu jaga sikit. Aku ada perasaan. Kau tegur aku depan kawan kawan lain, kau nampak muka aku rilek je, apa kau ingat aku rilek sangat? Cilanat, deep inside my heart aku sabar je wey. Panas hati. Sakit sangat hati ni. Sebab aku respect kau, aku senyap. Tapi kenapa kau tak pernah nak respect aku? Kenapa? Susah sangat. I pretend to be good in front of you becuase I dont even want to hurt your feeling. Tapi kau? Ada jaga hati aku? Takda....... em takpe kehidupan kau sebagai satu satunya anak perempuan tunggal yang manja dalam family dah cukup menggambarkan peribadi kau cemana. Sedar sikit wey perasaan orang lain. Cakap tu behave sikit. Aku tahan je perasaan aku bila kau malukan aku. Tapi, kau sikit pun tak pernah heran apa yang aku rasa. Aku malu wey malu. Malu sangat bila dipermalukan dengan kawan rapat sendiri. Takpe ah beb, aku sabar selagi mampu. Aku takdelah pandai mana macam kau, tapi sekurang kurangnya aku bukan jenis nak malukan kawan tapi tak tarik balik kata kata tu. Like joke like that lah. Faham sendiri lah. Dah besar. Otak ada, fikir. Hormat sikit perasaan orang eventhough tu kawan rapat kau sendiri yang hati nampak tough bika tengok reaction muka dia. Moga bahagia kawan. Night.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


halu sohai sohai sekalian. haha jkjk. dude, today ada selection for handball untuk dibawa ke kem pembangun daerah. guess i get it or not?


okay. tak sedih pungs pasal tu. tapi sedih sebab..................................


huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa belak muka tu nampak sangat. k sedih mangkok ayam jamban betul dah bye.

Saturday, November 1, 2014


I love you...
understand me

Understand how much I love you
I love you

I might just be ur friend in ur heart
but I love you
I cant lie my own feeling

I cant even forget you
I cant even let you go

No matter how hurt u did to my heart
I still love u

i need you to understand me
appreciate my feeling
I love you

Thats all

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

bawak motor

Hello hey. Okay ini lawak. Haha yey finally I know how to bawak motor yeyyyy. Tahun depan boleh ambil lesen haha. Belajar dengan kengkawan. Thanks to Allah sebab ada kawan yabg pro pro belaka bawak motor. Haha lol. But I still need to practice more. Kalau time nak bawak turun/naik bukit tu memang nazak hahahaha sumpah seram.

Duhh guess what, my class need to do some perfomance on hari persaraan dua orang cikgu sekolah jumaat ni. We decided to do choir. Haha k lawak. Nyanyi lagu Nothing Gonna Change My Love by George Benson. Retro bakhang. K. Shit, I need to stand dekat tengah when we perform the song. May Allah bless me. Haha. Thats all bye.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

for a while

Hey there. Guess what? I've talk (wechat) to him just now! Haha yey! Eventhough just for a while, but I'm really really happy. Yeah, I miss him. Deeply miss him. This lately, I always dream about him. I also dont understand why. Auch. Haha so sweet. Puihhh ignore me haha. Lepas rindu sikit even kejap je sembang. Em. Rindu angat. Em.

Eh wait, I never told u where he'll be going right? Hahahahaha. Pardon me. He is SPM's victim. Form 5. Heheh. Yea, worried bout him. Always worried bout him. How lah he study.... How I wish he could at least pass in his exam. This is his future. Its okay if we did not wc for a month. I'm okay. I want him to be okay. 

Ya allah, please ease him on whatever he did please. Bless him ya Allah.

some souvenirs

Hey haha late night update maybe haha. Auch I need to be rush to update before my mom come and snatch her tab from me. Lol. K. So thi is some goodluck cards and a shirt for........ ehem ehem hahaha. Ya for him. Him who? Him that I crush into haha. I make the cards since 8:30pm until just now 12:30am. Its done. What the hell so lame of me? Haha shut up. I'm just to tired of thinking what should I do and what should I put at the cards. Everything be mess. Auch but I do it sincerely from my heart for him. How I wish he'll appreciate and keep it. Because I said, if u dont like it, just throw it, but deep inside my heart, 'if u throw it, u'll die' hahaha no its joke. Tmrw I'm going to school because today I'm off (ponteng) haha who cares? Yea its gonna suck staying 7 hrs at school. So goodnight and bye.

Sunday, October 26, 2014


I've spend my one week holiday greatly! Fucking great bij! Haha. Started from Tuesday until Saturday, I'm not at home. And not even in my country. Haha. Started from Kota Bharu, Kelantan then Kuala Terengganu, and Thailand! Weehuuuuuuu! Damnly best holiday ever. My parents spend a lot of money into food haha. No souvenir. K redha. I cannot do anything..... Yea we went to many places there, such as Yala, Pattani and many more and I couldn't remember hehe. Whatever. We eat so many type of food. Always different time to time. Nasi air, nasi kerabu, tom yam, etc. Different places, different food. Haha this is really my favourite part. I cannot even forget every taste of the food. Ugh, started to miss there.... Lol. 

When I was at Thailand, I saw a lot of motorcycle. There, they used motorcycle to go anywhere. And they dont even care about want to wear helmet or not, eventhought they at city. At first, I'm really surprise with their law. But then, I feel like want to stay there. Seriously, there, they are free. They can drive without license when at city, no police will stop and saman them. Watlek. And what I really fall in love is their scooter. Ughhhh seriously I want that!! The scooter name 'scoopie' Soooo freaking cute if you look at that scooter. There were may type of scoopie. If I could have one.......... 

Haha tomorrow I'm not going to school. Chillex at home. But I need to fold all of the clothes at home. Shit. What can I do hmmm. Haha thats all bye.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

defak am I trying to do

Yesterday was very shit day that I ever had in my life. And I'm the shit that doing that shit thing and make my day become shit. Wtf mannnnnnn! I broke my friend's heart. Whose my friend? Her. Yea her. Girl that I always talk about. My bff. Idk whether she also thought I'm her bff. I dont know. Fml shit wtf wth had I do to her!!!! Seriously this is my very big mistake that I ever did in my life to her! Rude me rude!

I ruin her great day. Yesterday was supposed to be her date with her boyfriend. But I'm ruin their day! I bothered them. Then they didnt went for date. All happen because of me! See? I'm really shit! Wtf wtf wtf. She supposed to be happy on that day, but because of my mistake, they didnt went for date. And she didnt even happy. All because of me! Loser loser loser!

And until now....... we dont even talk to each other. She already hate me maybe...... and how I wish she wouldnt do that. I need her to be some part of my life. I want her forever be my bff. I dont understand my feeling tbh. I dont want to lose u, my friend. How I wish u could understand me. Sorry for all my wrongdoing babe. Em night.

Friday, October 17, 2014

be honest

I've just tell the truth to her, my bestie. Em idk why too hard for her to explain why she changed. I let myself to be really honest to her. I talk all the truth. What I feel before this, all. All. But why cant she tell me the truth? It it too hard for her. Whats really my mistake? What did I already do to her untill she dont want to tell me the truth. Secret. Forever secret she said. I cannot. My life wouldnt be peace if she dont tell the truth.

I cry as fast as the river. I dont understand my feeling. What the fcking hell had happen to me? Because of my bestie I can cry like this. I dont know why I really really love her to be my friend. Since first we closed. I dont want to lose her.

She've been changed this year. We got different class. She have her own friend and so me. But I dont really close to my classmate. But she.... close like em. I dont how to explain. She cant feel what I feel. About 3 month above we're not close like dulu dulu anymore. She've been changed. Wherever she go, she always with her classmate/deskmate. I just.... emmm. I cannot do anything. She have her own life and so me. I dont want to bothered her. So I try to stay away from her. But I cant. After a year we've been really closed nak mampoz I cant easily forget her and find new bestfriend. Because only her can accept me, only her know how to handle me, only her know how to chill me, only her. But I know, I'm just busygirl in her life. I'm just.........

I dont know why I really love her to be my friend. Yea, theres many more friend outside there. But you know, 'kawan memang ramai nak mampoz, tapi sahabat sorang dua ja' Understand what I mean right? Conceal dont fell dont let them know. I cant let anyone to replace her. I cant find any of them.

Sorry because I'm too demanded. I'm not sesuai to be ur bff. How I wish u could understand what I feel one day. May Allah bless u, my dear bff. If one day u read diz, I want u to know that I really really really fcking love to be ur friends and I dont even want to lose u. Thats all. Lots of love and some tears from me dear, night.


Late update. Tapi tetap nak update jugak.....


But..... pbs still on like normal. Fml fml. Kbye

Friday, October 3, 2014

get life bij

So hey. Dude. K seriously and to be honest, I hate you, friends. Eventhough I always smile and act like everything is okay and fine, deep inside my heart I feel like I want to kill you. Cut you into eighteen can I? Shit. U're just a piece of shit bij. Seriously, u're perampas. Em. Yes. I'm jealous. Freaking jealous. U're just newbie in my bff life, then u steal her from me. Dont u feel what I feel? No I'm not lesbo shit -,- But... u know what? She's the one who came into my life and can make my day cheer and can make me like umph... I dont know how to explain. She's just too nice and I really love to friends with her. She's my bff. Not yours shit! Not yours!! Yes, I know everyone can friend with her because she has her own hak kannnn? If you want to be friend with her, just friend lah. Takpayah nak over sangat. Beria nak letak kat bio kau nama dia ah apalah. Wey, kau takda orang lain ke? You think you're good enough? Get life bij get life. Aku dah lama sabar je dengan kau. Kau perli aku, kutuk aku depan depan, pikir aku takda perasaan? Do you think I'm typical people with sado's heart? Bij, I'm a girl with heart and feeling. Kau fikir kau sorang je ada perasaan? Dude, susahlah kalau aku je nak kena cakap berlapik depan kau, nak kena jaga hati kau, nak kena respect kau. Kau fikir lawak ke sentap sentap tu? Pikir comel ke kalau kau buat gitu? DASAR ATTENTION SEEKERS! I fck you for the whole of my life bij! Change urself please. Jangan jadi perampas bff orang. Apa manusia lain dah pupus ke nak buat bff? Last, fck u bij fck u.


Thursday, October 2, 2014

hari koko sch (( throwback ))

dude hello haha. k serious hari koko was a very tired day ever. huishh i cant breath. Hari Usahawan Muda, my class sell bologneise and carbonara spaghetti and mushroom soup + potato bun. at first, i thought selling spaghetti wouldnt laku. tak laris. nobody would buy it. but..... pukul 10 lebih kuah spaghetti semua dah habis! licin! fuhhh, seriously, terkejut gila pak ah. tapi... mi spaghetti banyak lagi. at first kami ingatkan nak biar je mi tu, tapi banyak lagi. so, my class teacher decide to cook back kuah spaghetti. sebab sayang, membazir je karang mi tu. upss forgot to tell, AKU YANG MASAK KUAH CARBONARA and BOLOGNEISE tu. cehhh promote. hahaha. pisyo. so, cikgu ajak aku balik pergi beli barang and blend bawang and potong potong bahan yang nak masuk dalam kuah spaghetti tu. huish yang part ni lah paling adventure plus tired gila. sebabkan rumah aku paling dekat dengan sekolah, so cikgu suruh blend bawang kat rumah aku ja. dari dekat sekolah berlari pergi kat kereta cikgu, sampai kedai groshop, berlari beli barang. pastu rushing pergi rumah aku. sampai rumah, NOBODY AT HOME. wtfish. k. disebabkan aku dah biasa bila kunci rumah takda, aku panjat tingkap atas, masuk rumah. potong potong apa bahan yang patut, blend apa bagai semua. 15 min. k settle. berlari masuk kereta pastu sampai sekolah, berlari pergi kat gerai masak balik kuahnya. masuk apa semua bahan settle. tengah tengah dah nak siap masak, tetiba i saw someone! ALONG! my brother come! haha sumpah excited gila sampai terlanggar kawan dia. unexpected gila. sanggup along datang dari utp tronoh datang sekolah aku. k sayang along to the star and back. haha. k after along balik, my friends and i plan to finished our haunted house and haunted cinema ticket. so we come to haunted house first. seriously, fcking bored. i sleep in that cinema. shit. after that, we back to our stall. after a few minute my phone vibrate. guess who?!! OMG! MY CRUSH! HE CAME! i die i die i die......... for a sec hahaha. he said he's at some place at my school. so i went there with my friend. from far, i saw him..... omg he's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fcking handsome. huwarghhh, if i could hug him, i will hug him tightly that time. but no. i cant. haha. in my dreams je lah. lol. then i took him walk dekat gerai gerai semua. dia datang kejap ja. sebab kawan dia dah nak balik. aishhh. spoil ah. so i ask him to selfie and snap some photo with me. k........ HE'S JUST TOOOOOOOO CUTE till i can die. hahaha. no jkjk. thats all. bye.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


hello hey. long time no write anything here. well, internet and password problem. lol. forget it. sorry i dont want to talk about crush or what. i just want to talk about soon. soon? whats going on with soon?duhh, too many things gonna come soon. since i was PT3's victim, PT3 is coming soon! 13/10 until 14/10. wtfish. really close nowadays. and i still be like, okay what? pt3? when? 13/10? what? lek ah. banyak masa lagi. duh. fml fml. shit. i need to stay away from all of these thing. only left a few days before pt3. aishh, feel like wanna cry. i dont even start any chapter to study. fml again. whats going on jeo! duhhh, pehal aku tak study ni? huwaa. everytime i saw my friend study at school, i be like "okay, balik nanti aku nak study". but when i'm at home, fck. what i did? play, play, play, play and keep playing. em. sometimes, i think, "what should i do rn?" "why dont i study rn?" "what should i study rn?" but at the end of my question on my mind.......... NAK TENGOK TV LAH!  mama and abah already 'haramkan' aku untuk pegang tab. okay nice. i only use tab, for calling my friend and something important. okay................ wake up JEO! wake up! hmmmmm... idk what topic should i study. idek. seriously idek :'( everytime i try to start reading, syaiton syaiton start whispering "dont read", "go play with your sister", "sleep zzzzzz" wtf man! and everything i read, nothing i could remember what i already read. NYANYUK! not nyamuk k? nyanyuk is penyakit orang orang tua that always forget something. omnomnomnom shiz. fml fml fml.

okay, next soon. guess what soon? guess? okay this is superb excited story ever! MY SCHOOL IS HAVING HARI USHAWAN MUDA a.k.a HARI KOKO. where's my school? eheh, SMK Raja Perempuan Ipoh / RPS. wuuuuhoooooouu! this event yang paling student rps really nanti nantikan! diz gotta be superb fun and exciting and.......................... tired. haha. its okay i dont care. what i really want to do this day is, i want to really really really superb ENJOY with all my friends. i want to finish all my coupon. eheh. what what? haha. idc idc. okay. want to know whats really tired things happens to me? i'll be the cooker for our stall. btw, my stall sell SPAGHETTI. and i'm gonna be the one who should cook the kuah for that spaghetti. we cook bolognese and carbonara. so, come lah to our stall! jemput, dipersilakan. okay. many people gonna come. and..... guess whose gonna come? eheh. my crush insyaAllah. okay. forget it.

so this, sunday,28/9 is the day, while saturday, 27/9, i should be really really busy cooking with three of my friend. this gonna be superb fun, cause they gonna sleep at my house! wuuuu yeaahhhh. haha. so thats all, dont forget to come to our stall. search no 34. thats our stall. come and buy something. eheh. pray for our stall to win any of the competition prize. ouh, there's a competition for hari koko. auch, dont need to explain. forget it.

last, please and please. pray for my pt3. may Allah bless me and I could answer my pt3's paper peacefully and i could get nice result on my pt3. aminnn :) thats all bye ^^

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

crush (i)

luls. crush. so i got one crush. auch idek how to explain my feeling bout him. it just ugh. i love him so fcking damn much. lol. he's just too damn cute, handsome and.... ugh. u'll melt and can easily fall in love if u see him face to face. same goes to me. so i want to story bout how my first time reaction when i first met him. i know him since April through wc. he seems like want to flirt me. and i just ignore him bcoz on that time i'm already taken. erk forget it. i hate my ex. piece of shit. it such a bad things to fall in love with my ex.  eww, i hate that title. ex. like shit. lol gth.

continue bout my crush. our conversation start from u know what is that? sorts of social web. just type it at google search then it'll occurs that site. so, he ask me many things there till last he ask my wc id. at first i dont know whether want to give it or not, cause at i couldnt see who act the asker. then, i give my id bcoz he seems like really want it. k then i give. me, when at first time he add me, i'll be like "wtf r u kidding me? pehal mamat ni handsome sangat? ya allah, kuatkan imanku" hahahaha. seriously i'm not kidding. his face similarly like mat salleh (omputeh). i didnt trust at first that at his wc dp is him, so i ask him to selfie. then he really selfie and send his picture to me. i be like "huwarghhhhhhh, omaigod omaigod omaigod. ya allahhhhhhhhhhhhh" seriously sumpah tak percaya. he's just to handsome till i can die if i keep staring at his picture. duhhhhh, what a shame girl. haha who cares?

so our relationship (crush) starts from there. first month i knew him, i keep my faith. i sell expensive (jual mahal) towards him. lol idek what is the correct peribahasa in english for that words. he likes to chat me. everyday he chat me. duhhh i kennot. why lah. ugh. he seems to caring bout me. he ask me "dah makan? sihat ke? bla bla bla bla bla" seems like he's my boyfriend. my bf also did not did like what he did to me. so it makes me more like him and hate my bf. lol. how cruel am i. haha shit.

he's also a funny man. duh. he likes to make a joke and i'll laugh till if i'm on my bed, i can fell down to the floor. and if i'm in car, i smile and grin like kerang busuk till any of my family members feel freak towards me. hahahaha.

i story till here just. i need to do my hw. too lots of em. tmrw i'll continue my story. so goodnight. xoxo

Monday, September 8, 2014

pengawas pelatih (PP)

hahahaha what a shame and awkward and funny day is today to me. auch, seriously rasa cem nak sorok muka, pakai topeng atomen je tadi kat sekolah. i used to be pengawas pelatih with 5 others for 2 month. teachers and le seniors will watch us. before we used to be real prefect, we need to be pengawas pelatih. so today is our first day, bertugas, official jadi pengawas pelatih. need to wear that nametag. tak semua kawan aku tahu aku jadi PP. so today, when I stand beside others REAL prefect yang tengah checking kawan kawan f3 before masuk class, all that walk in front of me be like,

"perghhhhh" , "biar betul?" , "hang jadi PP?" , "gile ahhh" , "wey, sejak bila?"  *dengan muka terkejutnya, dengan gelak jahat deme nya*

and when i walk to anywhere,

"wey, kenapa hang jadi PP?" , "wey kenapa aku tak pernah tahu?" , "next year pakai baju kuning lah ni kan?" , "ni lah cara nak jadi PP terbaik" etc.

paling tension dengan one of my friend, 'nss' (not real name),  mana aku pergi asal jumpa dia tak habis habis perli duhhhh maluuu. part paling tension, when my class have to combine with 'nss' class at agama time. when i step into the class, she shout to all in class "woi PP woi! senyap! senyap!"

only god know how shame i am that time. duhhh feel like dont want to go to sch tmrw and next, next day. luls. jkjk. idek how to face my next day. its okay, jeopardy, be prefect we need to be brave and cool in whatever situation we face. its okay. lama lama they'll be okay. chill chill. haha.

what a tired day, this week form 3 student have to stayback at sch till 4pm. there's a teknik menjawab soalan pt3. duh, my first day in class of teknik menjawab soalan be like, 15 minutes early fresh gila nak dengar semua apa yang cikgu ajar kat depan, 15 minutes before balik, aku baru bangun dari tidur. duh i sleep. seriously sleepy like hell. hahahaha. lol. duhhhh, i've waste my time. k thats all. kinda sleepy rn. goodnight. xoxo.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

7/9/14 (( First update ))

first of all, assalamualaikum ( if u're muslim, answer it )
so hey, name? emm prefer to know me as jeopardy. duh, jet retis sia. lol. i'm just somebody that u dont use to know. just a lonely stranger with her own life story. an idiot person that trying to be like clever person. a dreamer. dream high but no effort to make my dream comes true. dumb. such a lame person. like what? lamb. lol. such an ugly girl without good attitude. rude ( to some people ). doesnt have any advantages in self. duh rubbish. my forever, one and only fav music band is IMAGINE DRAGON. u dont know who're them? u such a lame. lame than me. go search at lah. no time to explain. want to know who is me act? find somebody that really fav imagine dragon. no time to find who is me act right? lol ikr. like i care? no, of course not. crush on somebody. really into him. but idk. dk. k. pt3's victim. pray for my best result can ah? thanks ^^

i create this blog in option to improve my english language and to share bout my life. dude, i'm malay. so dont be weird when i write in malay language. duh, sumpah guwa bajet habis. haha idc. my story is about my life. repeat, my life. no information bout state, bout any gossips of any celebrity, bout news etc. its my life. i dont need any pandangan yang negative bout what i'll write here. its my life, so its my bussiness. i dont do any saham bussiness untuk melabur dalam hidup aku. aceywah. lol forget it. i'll write any harsh word or everything that i feel i want to write. dont need ur judge. thats all. tomorrow is monday. lets have a bad day. lol. good night.